Gerneral Assembly in Ulcinj, Montenegro

TOP 1 Equipping City and School Libraries with Literature

Chairman Hanspeter Hauke with „German Cabinet“ in the background

Hanspeter reported on the highly successful book collection campaign for Montenegro, during which approximately 5,000 German-language books were donated. Some of the donated books are now available in the „Deutsch-Kabinett“ (German Cabinet) at the Ulcinj Gymnasium.

The German students from Ulcinj Gymnasium had visites their partners in Freudenstadt in the Black Forest. Hanspeter had organized for them a guided tour through the Südwestrundfung, German Television. They had come by bus to Badnen-Baden and could take the books back to Montenegro by bus.

TOP 2 Activity Report

Interview with Eva Hauke, VIS, videographed by students. In the background: Andrea Zwerenz, VIS

Hanspeter reported on the highly successful book collection campaign for Montenegro, during which approximately 5,000 German-language books were donated. The Büchersammelaktion (book collection campaign) was a significant achievement, and the collected books were successfully handed over to the intended recipients in Montenegro. This initiative aimed to support literacy and education in the region by providing access to a diverse range of German-language literature for individuals and educational institutions in Montenegro. The effort of collecting such a substantial number of books demonstrates the commitment and dedication of the participants involved in the campaign. The donated books will undoubtedly contribute to enriching the reading experiences and educational resources available in Montenegro.

VIS initiated a round table to support the development of Fritz-Boehle-Schule, which involved merging two faculties, transitioning to a full-day school, and undertaking renovation and modernization efforts. Regular meetings, hosted by VIS, brought together representatives from the school authority, building authority, extracurricular educational providers, the district media center, along with the school leadership and VIS.

The association took charge of funding the necessary iPads for a project at a Hauptschule (secondary school).

Currently, VIS is the driving force behind another round table in Emmendingen, where all primary schools participate. The goal is to organize the media development of primary schools in collaboration with the city and the district media center to achieve synergistic effects. For this purpose, the city has hired an IT specialist responsible for technical support at the schools in Emmendingen. The city provides media equipment to schools based on their individual media usage plans, submitted beforehand. Faculty training is conducted jointly by the district media center and VIS.

TOP 3 Optimizing Work to Achieve Association Goals

The members discussed ways to expand the association’s activities nationwide. Various institutions will be approached for cooperation, with GMK (Gesellschaft für Medienpädagogik und Kommunikationskultur) being considered as a good multiplier. As Hanspeter is no longer a member of GMK, Andrea Zwerenz, the deputy chairperson of LKM (Landesfachstelle für das kulturelle Schulwesen in Baden-Württemberg), will establish contacts with GMK, LKM, and other organizations (Paul Bartsch, Michael Retzlaf, Ursula Rumpf, Detlev Endevard). Andrea believes that Hanspeter could be invited to participate in their activities.

Additionally, an educational visit was made to a Gymnasium in Montenegro, where the VIS conducted an interview with Eva Maria Hauke regarding German classes using iPads.

TOP 4 Membership Recruitment

The association plans to create new, cost-effective flyers. They are also considering updating the homepage, with the possibility of a school taking on the design and development of the website as a pupils‘ project. Andrea will explore potential schools interested in this task and provide a report. However, the editorial supervision will remain with the board.

The most successful recruitment method is considered to be personal recommendations from acquaintances and interested parties. Members will try to recruit additional members from their personal networks.

TOP 5 Any other business

  • New addresses of VIS homepage:
  • Suggestions and feedback from members were discussed.
  • Future plans: Scandinavia is proposed as the venue for the next General Meeting, offering the opportunity to experience the educational system there firsthand. Additional suggestions for meeting locations are welcomed, and the board will make a proposal at the appropriate time.

Oberservations at the Community School in Wutöschingen

During the visit to the Wutöschingen Community School on October 9, 2018, it became evident what developments are possible when people engage and consistently utilize their resources on-site. From an ordinary school, it transformed into a flagship project, creatively and pedagogically designed to place learners at the center of all endeavors, encouraging them towards self-responsibility and independence.

Accompanied by the school principal and an educational companion throughout the entire morning, we could witness how the school effectively implements its concept of „V-8 Begleitung“ (V-8 accompaniment) in daily practice: „On various paths, with diverse people, at multiple locations, during varied times, using diverse materials, in different steps, with a multitude of ideas, in diverse rhythms, all toward shared goals.“ The school consistently challenges and supports each child’s desire to learn, emanating enthusiasm and a spirit of innovation. As visitors, we left with a plethora of stimulating impulses and encouragement.

In the afternoon, we were guests at the neighboring Rheintal Community School. There, 6th-grade students, along with their school social worker, presented their „Participation Project,“ which involved proposing changes within the school, advocating for their implementation in projects, and engaging in decision-making processes both within the school and up to the municipal council. Impressive!

„As a teacher I cannot prevent them from learning, if a child comes to school happily and behaves well,“ says Stefan Ruppaner, principal of the Alemannen Community School in Wutöschingen. The primary goal of this school is not to instill reproducible knowledge, but to develop students into responsible and self-confident individuals who have learned to assimilate content and facts while independently deciding the „when“ and „how.“

For the more than 600 students, the school has four levels of „self-responsibility“:

  • Starter: When learners join the school, they begin at the „Starter“ level. They are introduced to their rights and responsibilities and are personally guided by an educational companion to learn how to manage these often unfamiliar rights and duties. Once four educational companions confirm in writing that the learner is utilizing their rights and fulfilling their duties, they become a „Durchstarter“ (Throughstarter).
  • Durchstarter: As „Durchstarter,“ students have more rights and more responsibilities.
  • Neustarter: If a student struggles with the increased level of self-responsibility as a „Durchstarter,“ they receive more support and guidance as a „Neustarter“ (Restarter).
  • Lernprofi (only for upper grades 9-10): The „Lernprofi“ (Learning Professional) fully trusts their self-responsibility. They work independently, know their goals and the requirements needed to achieve them, seeking help when necessary. Lernprofis can also work from home and are not required to attend classes.

For further information about the Alemannenschule Wutöschingen, visit the link:

Round Tables

Round Table on the Media Equipment of Elementary Schools in Emmendingen

The aim of the Round Table is to support participating schools in developing a media usage concept tailored to their needs and capabilities and to achieve synergies through collaborative efforts.

After 5 Round Table meetings, all elementary schools have created a Media Development Plan (MDP) and submitted it to the city on time. Thus, the needs of each individual elementary school are now available. The city will now advance a financing concept and implementation planning. The multiple financing commitments made by the federal and state governments for the digitalization of (elementary) schools are still under discussion. Even if the expected funds are released, there is a considerable need for additional financing that must be provided by the municipality. Department 4 (Family, Culture, City Marketing) will apply for the necessary funds for the upcoming budgets of the city of Emmendingen.

After the schools have done their homework, they are now in a waiting position. The further training of the teaching staff in the handling and pedagogically meaningful use of the new technical teaching media will be initiated in cooperation with the KMZ (District Media Center) after improvements in the equipment. Until improvements in the equipment of the schools are made, the existing media equipment will continue to be used as before. In addition, it is suggested to conduct a media project day/media literacy day for creative use of media (photo workshop, radio/sound workshop, audio stories, video workshop, and more) for the students at each school. The schools can receive support from the KMZ.

The identified financial needs for a contemporary media equipment of elementary schools are substantial. This includes technical equipment with hardware (laptops, tablets), software, some extensive structural measures, as well as further training for the teaching staff. Therefore, the financing can only be carried out step by step, as with the secondary schools. The latter have benefited from the process of bringing schools into the digital age, which was demanded by the Ministry of Education and was also supported by the state through the Media Initiatives I and II. After a multi-year process, the equipment of the secondary schools is considered satisfactory. However, elementary schools have been exempted from the requirement for media equipment so far. However, the need for catch-up in elementary schools has since been recognized. An improvement in their media equipment is now urgently needed. For the Town Administration and the Town Council , the equipment of elementary schools therefore has a high priority.

St Peter

St. Peter im Schwarzwald. Klosteranlage mit Barockkirche und Rokkoko-Bibliothek

Vom Uhufelsen nach St. Peter

Hallo Flo,

Nach dem mühevollen Aufstieg zum Uhufelsen müssen sich Anna und ihr Bruder erst einmal ausruhen. Sie setzen sich und schauen ins Glottertal hinunter Richtung Ränke, einer kleinen Ansiedelung von wenigen Höfen. Man weiß es nicht, aber vielleicht haben auf dem Felsen früher viele Uhus gelebt und er heißt deshalb so.

Der wissenschaftliche Namen von Uhus ist  Bubo Bubo. Sie gehören zur großen Gruppe der Eulen. Deshalb sind alle Uhus auch Eulen. Genauso wie alle Erdbeeren auch Früchte sind.

Vom Uhufelsen fließt ein Bächlein ins Tal. Am und im Wasser dort leben Amphibien. Das sind Tiere, die im Wasser und auf dem Land atmen können. Wie heißt das schwarz-gelbe Tier, das dort lebt?


Das Lösungswort hat 15 Buchstaben. Schreibe es unten in den Kommentar und schicke es mir.

Viel Erfolg!
Dein Opi

Von der Hilzinger Mühle zum Uhufelsen

Hallo Flo,

Klicke auf das Bild

Die Mühlen im Schwarzwald werden vom Wasser, das von den Bergen ins Tal fließt, angetrieben. Im flachen Land, wie in Holland, gibt es  Windmühlen, die vom Wind angetrieben werden. Im Schwarzwald gibt es auch heute noch Mühlen, die den Weizen mit Wasserkraft zu Mehl mahlen. Doch wie wird Weizen zu Mehl? Schreibe die Antwort unten in den Kommentar und schicke sie mir. Dann kann ich es Anna und ihrem Bruder sagen, die mich schon danach gefragt haben.

Viel Erfolg!

Dein Opi

Die Hilzinger Mühle

Die Hilzinger Mühle in Glottertal wurde 1621 erbaut und dürfte eine der ältesten im Landkreis Emmendingen sein. Und sie funktioniert auch heute noch.  Klaus Ruf ist gelernter Müller und wohnt mit seiner Frau bei der Mühle. An besonderen Tagen setzt er die Mühle in Betrieb und mahlt das Korn wie vor hunderten von Jahren.

Adresse der Mühle:
Talstr. 151a
(Straße zum Wuspenhof)
79286 Glottertal

Von Glottertal zur Hilzinger Mühle

Hallo Flo,

nachdem Anna und ihr Bruder sich die Schwarzwaldklinik in Glottertal angeschaut haben, gehen sie weiter. Ihr nächstes Ziel ist die Hilzinger Mühle. Plötzlich schnuppert Anna: „Hier riecht es nach Knoblauch. Bestimmt gibt es hier Bärlauch in der Gegend“. „Du bist ja ein richtiger Schnüffler“, meint ihr Bruder. „Ich rieche nämlich nix!“ „Schnüffler, das Wort gibt’s doch gar nicht“, lacht Anna. „Du bist ein echter Laberkopf!“

Lieber Flo, dieses mal irrt Anna.  Das Wort „Schnüffler“ gibt es wirklich. Kannst du erklären, wo das Wort herkommt? Ich sage es dann Anna. Schreibe deine Antwort unten in den Kommentar und schicke sie mir.

Klicke auf das Bild

Viel Erfolg

Dein Opi

Von Denzlingen nach Glottertal

Anna und ihr Bruder gehen weiter Richtung St. Peter. Als sie durch Denzlingen durch sind, sehen sie in der Ferne bereits Glottertal. „In Glottertal gab es früher die berühmte Schwarzwaldklinik. Busse mit Touristen, die sich die Klinik anschauen wollten, kamen von überall her“, erklärt Anna’s Bruder. „Einige wollten sich dort sogar operieren lassen!“

„Warum denn nicht?“, fragt Anna.

Lieber Flo, kannst du erklären, warum eine echte Operation in der Schwarzwaldklinik keine gute Idee war? Dann schreibe deine Antwort unten in den Kommentar. Ich erkläre es dann Anna.

Hier ein Tipp

Viel Erfolg!

Dein Opi

Von Vörstetten nach Denzlingen

Hallo Flo,

nach dem Schreck mit dem komischen Geräusch, das dann doch nur das Röhren eines Hirsches war, entdecken Anna und ihr Bruder seltsame Spuren auf dem Waldboden. „Das sind Spuren von einem ostsibirischen Eumelflugdrachen“, sagt Anna’s Bruder grinsend. „Der hat mal wieder keinen Dunst“, denkt Anna. „Aber dumm herumlabern!“

Wenn du das Kreuzworträtsel lösen kannst, weißt du, welches Tier hier gelaufen ist.

Viel Erfolg!

Dein Opi

Von Schupfholz nach Vörstetten

Hallo Flo,

Nachdem klar war, dass die weißen Blumen, die sie entdeckt hatte, Anemonen sind, die auch Buschwindröschen genannt werden, gehen sie und ihr Bruder weiter. Anna ist etwas stinkig, weil sich ihr Bruder offenbar für nichts interessiert. Sie findet solche Typen eigentlich total langweilig. Der Wald wird nun immer dunkler, immer dichter stehen die Bäume. Der Weg ist überwuchert mit Büschen und Brombeerranken. Da hören sie plötzlich ein lautes Geräusch! Es hört sich an als ob jemand laut rülpst. Erschrocken versteckt sich Anna hinter ihrem Bruder. „Was ist das?“, wispert Anna. Ihr Bruder zuckt nur mit den Achseln. Doch auch er ist ziemlich blass geworden. Lieber Flo, kannst du herausfinden, was das für ein Geräusch ist?

Starte die Soundleiste, dann kannst du es hören:

Hier klicken, wenn du sehen möchtest, wer so komische Geräusche macht.

Wenn du nun heraus gefunden hast, was das für ein Geräusch ist, schreibe deine Antwort unten in den Kommentar. Ich kann dann Anna und ihrem Bruder erklären, was das für ein Geräusch ist.

Viel Erfolg!

Dein Opi